Keeping Kitty Contained in a Fenced in Yard

Keeping Kitty Contained in a Fenced in Yard

Have Iron Fencing That Needs Painting? Know How To Do It

by Norman Beck

If your home has iron fencing that is not looking so great, it can make your whole home not look so good. Thankfully, it is easy to fix the problem by removing any stains from the surface, adding a fresh coat of paint, and applying a sealant. Here is what you need to know to do it.

Gathering Tools and Materials

Before you can get started, you will need the following items. Anything you do not have can be purchased at a local home improvement store.

  • Nylon stocking
  • Sponge mop
  • Scrub brush
  • Scissors
  • Soapy water
  • Iron cleaner
  • Drop cloth
  • Water hose
  • Painter's tape
  • Exterior paint
  • Paint sprayer
  • Sealant

Removing Stains and Dust From The Surface

Nylon stockings work great when it comes to collecting dust on the surface of an iron fence. Cut the stocking so it can be stretched over your sponge mop, and then move the sponge over the fence to remove dust, cobwebs, and any debris that could be on the fence.

Next, remove any stains on the fence using soapy water, which will be safe to use on iron. Just dip your scrub brush into the water and scrub away.

Painting and Sealing The Surface

Use drop cloths to cover the ground around the fence, then use painter's tape to cover any hardware on the fence that you do not want to be painted. Next, fill up the paint container for the paint sprayer using your paint color of choice. Apply the paint by spraying both sides of your fencing, and then allow it to dry. An additional coat may be necessary to give it more protection.

Rinse the paint container in the sprayer, and fill it up using a clear sealant designed for use outdoors. Apply a coat of sealant in the same manner that you applied the paint. One coat of sealant should be all you need to get the job done.

Finishing The Job

Once the sealant has dried, it is safe to remove the painter's tape that has been covering any hardware on the fencing, and pick up the drop cloths that are protecting the ground. Rinse out your paint spraying equipment so it is ready to use again in the future.

If this job seems too difficult for you, contact a local fencing company that can help you get the job done. They can handle the entire process from start to finish. To learn more, contact a company like F & W Fence Company, Inc.


About Me

Keeping Kitty Contained in a Fenced in Yard

I have loved cats ever since I was a child. My parents let our cat roam around the yard without a fence when I was a child, but when I adopted my first cat as an adult, I was much too afraid that she would run off to let her outside. After keeping her as an "indoor cat" for a few years, I decided to look into backyard fencing options that she might not be able to climb or jump over. I put a lot of research into those options, so I decided to start sharing what I learned on a blog to help other cat owners and anyone else who is looking for a fence for a specific need. I have been very lucky and my cat hasn't jumped over my fence at all and she now loves her fenced in back yard!
