Keeping Kitty Contained in a Fenced in Yard

Keeping Kitty Contained in a Fenced in Yard

  • The Benefits Of A Chain Link Fence

    When it comes to building a fence for your home there are many great options, and most of them are going to do the job for you. However, you want to pick the fence that works best for you. There are many different types of fences and each type of fence provides benefits, but may also have a few drawbacks. One type of fence that you should consider is a chain link fence.

  • Dog Digging Under Your Fence? 3 Ways to Prevent It From Happening

    The purpose of having a fence may be to keep a dog contained to your yard, but this won't matter if they find creative ways to dig under it so they can escape.  Thankfully, there are techniques that you can use to prevent this from happening.  Here are three ways you can keep a dog from potentially digging under your fence. Use Concrete A common method used to prevent digging is to use concrete.

  • Want To Incorporate Fencing Into Your Landscaping? 3 Ways To Keep It Looking Natural

    Making your yard more private often requires the project of adding fencing, but this can be a tough decision for you to make if you're concerned about making your yard too structured. If you want the landscaping to continue to be the main star in your yard and don't want the fencing to be too intrusive, it's important that you look into how you can manage adding fencing without getting rid of your favorite features.

  • 3 Things You Should Know Before Installing A Fence

    If you are thinking about installing a new fence in your yard or adding a completely new one where there was no fence before, you should be sure that you are completely prepared for the task. This way, when you are ready to hire fencing contractors, you don't run into problems later on that can end up costing you more in time and money. Here are three things that you should know before you get started on the installation of your new fence:

  • How To Remove Old Fence Posts The Easy Way

    You probably installed a fence at one time or another, and after pouring the concrete to hold the posts thought to yourself, "good luck removing that post someday." Then that someday happens and you need to remove those fence posts. They're held in concrete, so how do you go about removing them? You could rent a bobcat, try to pull them with a truck (damaging your yard in the process), you could dig and dig to get the post and concrete out, or you could do it an easier way.

  • About Me

    Keeping Kitty Contained in a Fenced in Yard

    I have loved cats ever since I was a child. My parents let our cat roam around the yard without a fence when I was a child, but when I adopted my first cat as an adult, I was much too afraid that she would run off to let her outside. After keeping her as an "indoor cat" for a few years, I decided to look into backyard fencing options that she might not be able to climb or jump over. I put a lot of research into those options, so I decided to start sharing what I learned on a blog to help other cat owners and anyone else who is looking for a fence for a specific need. I have been very lucky and my cat hasn't jumped over my fence at all and she now loves her fenced in back yard!
